How we deliver

We bring together our APS and consulting expertise to help you scope and deliver strategic projects within your timelines.

We bring together our APS and consulting expertise to identify your needs, help you scope and deliver strategic projects.

Our methodology prioritises collaboration, impact and capability transfer. We apply a rigorous structured problem-solving approach combining the best of public sector expertise and private sector approaches to quickly bring clarity to clients’ challenges. We understand how government works and bring our experience, insights and ideas to every project.

Our project teams scope what expertise is needed for each problem. AGC has a breadth and depth of experience from the public and private sectors. Where appropriate we can second expertise from across the APS to help solve your opportunity. We encourage clients to embed members of their staff in the project team to work closely and collaboratively on the delivery of the project. This approach not only increases the capability of your team, reduces your reliance on external consultants in the future; it will ensure our recommendations turn into action.

Point of contact

We are starting small, with a limited number of projects, and will grow in time. We anticipate demand exceeding our initial capacity.

If AGC has capacity to assist with your project, our Business Development team will match you with a project team.

Contact our Business Development team.


Client control

You have control over your project’s governance. Your team members will be a part of a collaborative joint project team and a project sponsor from your agency will be involved in deciding key milestones and deliverables.

Capability uplift

Our project teams work closely with you. We encourage project teams to have at least one member of your team embedded with us. This is an important part of our model, will increase your organisation’s capability and significantly increase the impact of our recommendations after we leave. You will be involved in the development of the project and we will share our methodology and best practices with you.

Specialist expertise

We have a high calibre team drawn from across the APS, state public service and private sectors, and will partner across the APS to draw on its vast expertise where needed.